Frequently asked questions
We have spent many years developing a proprietary manufacturing method that consistently ensures we produce a unique and extremely pure solution of HOCL that is unique to our company.
We have realized a large portion of companies that manufacture HOCl or anolyte utilize outdated methods that impact the final purity, stability, versatility and potency of the end product.
Our manufacturing process replicates the purity of HOCl that is produced within the human body unlike the majority of anolyte and HOCl companies world-wide. Most HOCl or Anolyte companies tend to utilize an outdated process that uses salts and various reactants in their manufacturing process which creates a medium for chlorates, chlorine gas, sodium hypochlorite (bleach) and various other impurities to form. Such impurities are irritants and may cause side effects, reduce efficacy, hamper stability and limit application versatility.
Our pure HOCl contains no salts, no sodium hypochlorite (bleach), no chlorates and no other well known impurities.
We simply provide you with pure HOCl at the same level of purity which is manufactured in the body.
A free chlorine (FAC) molecule is an unbound molecule. There are three forms of free chlorine: chlorine gas, Hypochlorous Acid and hypochlorite. Assuming a constant temperature of 25 ° C, when the pH is below 3, free chlorine will be present in the solution as chlorine gas. When the pH is above 7.5, over 50% of free chlorine will be hypochhorite ion (OCl-), and as pH rises to 11, all of the free chlorine in the environment will turn into hypochlorite. Free chlorine solution hypochlorous acid (HOCl) will dominate between pH 3 and pH 7.5.
The ideal pH is 6.2. All of the molecules that act as active disinfectants here are HOCl. The pH of the human skin is 5.5, and the pH just below the skin is 7.0. Our skin has a pH of 5.5 to act as a shield against bacteria and viruses, meaning it is slightly acidic.
ALCOHOL-based disinfectants used, if used very often, create cracks in the skin and these cracks open the way to the new body for bacteria and viruses. Therefore, extreme caution should be exercised when using alcohol-based disinfectants.
- Electrolytically Generated Hypochlorous Acid .
- Neutral Electrolyzed Water ( NEW).
- Electrolyzed Oxidizing Water (EOW).
- Electro-chemically Activated Water (ECA).
- Super - oxidized water (SOW )

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