One Solution forAll Skin Conditions
VDOX® Wound Care , is our revolutionary wound care product that has been formulated with the purest form of HOCl in order to ensure that every patient receives the best possible wound care solution.
VDOX® Wound Care is intended for cleansing, irrigating, debriding, and removing foreign material including microorganisms from:
– Acute and chronic dermal lesions
– Stage I-IV pressure ulcers
– Stasis Ulcers
– Diabetic Ulcers
– Post-surgical Wounds
– First and second-degree burns
– Abrasions and minor irritations of the skin
– Grafted and donor sites
– Exit sites
– Trauma Wounds

Advantages in comparison to chemical substances
Great Efficacy
- The primary mode of action of VDOX® Wound Care involves the mechanical removal of cellular debris, senescent cells, necrotic tissue, and foreign material from the skin and wound surface using a moistened dressing (e.g.gauze) along with irrigation. Removal of these materials through these actions is known to decrease infection rates and improve wound healing.
- Can remain in the wound and does not need to be rinsed out.
- Can also be used in exposed joints, cartilage, ligaments, and tendons.
- Does not develop bacterial resistance.
- VDOX® Wound Care irrigation solution has outstanding antimicrobial power.
-VDOX® Wound Care eliminates the unpleasant odors that often occur in infected wounds with excellent efficacy – and within just a few minutes of exposure to VDOX® Wound Care
- HOCL prevents the proliferation of Gram+ and Gram- bacteria including; MRSA, ORSA, VRSA, VRE, viruses, fungi and spores.
- Cleans the wound mechanically . - Is free of germs and pH neutral.
- Is non-cytotoxic and non-irritant. - Is hypotonic
- Is free of heavy metals. - Reduces wound malodors.
- Shelf life 24 months for irrigation solution and 18 months for gel. - First choice for peritoneal lavage
- Can be applied on CNS tissue, cartilage and bones. - Well suited for cavities and fistulas
- Broad antimicrobial effect (bacteria, viruses, spores, fungi) - Can remain in the wound and does not need to be rinsed out.
- Can also be used to exposed joint, cartilage, ligaments, and tendons, as well as in the inner ear, the abdomen, and the eye.
- No resistance - Hypoallergenic
- Provides higher levels of oxygen at a wound site after application - Elevated blood and oxygen flow increases wound-healing nutrients.

Infection Control
VDOX® Wound Care controls the infection through hypochlorous acid when a body is exposed to an infection a white type of blood cell called neutrophil engulfs the microorganism by phagocytosis. During phagocytosis, a substance called hypochlorous acid is released killing the microorganism a chemically similar hypochlorous acid inside the VDOX® Wound Care mimics body's natural immune system effectively killing virus, fungi, and mold while it's safe to use when HOCI denatures the proteins making up a microorganism cell membrane the microorganism cell loses its integrity and function VDOX® Wound Care which is a hypotonic solution lowers and osmotic pressure surrounding the microorganism since all cell has a tendency to create an osmotic balance the cell starts to absorb water from its surrounding by osmosis process through osmosis internal pressure inside the microorganism builds up and eventually the cell bursts. VDOX® Wound Care is very effective against killing 99.999% of a broad spectrum of bacteria, viruses, spores, and fungi in just 30 seconds of those wide ranges of microbial include MRSA and VRE.

Inflammation Control
Inflammation is a natural response to a tissue injury to chronic skin inflammation problems for many people. Once the inflammation process starts, histamine is released causing blood vessels to dilate accompanied by symptoms such as itch warmth redness, and swelling. When a person scratches the skin, the skin is damaged and becomes a portal for irritants to invade leading to more inflammation process and delayed healing. When using VDOX® Wound Care in one solution, VDOX® Wound Care helps suppress the release of histamine thus alleviating inflammatory symptoms like itching. VDOX® Wound Care reduces the number of microorganisms and prevents infection.
One Solution with HOCl
a highly concentrated, natural source of active ingredients designed for the best wound and skin care. HOCl mimics body's natural defensive system and disinfects affected areas and kills 99.99% of bacteria and viruses in less than 30 seconds.
Lastly, it enables the body to stimulate its own healing process by skin regeneration.

How it works ?
VDOX® WOUND CARE is preserved to allow for a multi-patient use over up to 90 days (gels) and 60 days (solution) after opening. To ensure the safe use after opening the products are preserved with a substance naturally in our body: hypchlorous acid
HOCl attacks the Bacterial cell wall
• Hypochlorous acid denatures proteins on the bacterial cell wall
• Bacterial cell loses its integrity
HOCl bursts the cell via osmosis
• Hypochlorous acid lowers osmotic pressure of the surrounding cell.
• A cell has a tendency to create an osmotic balance.
• Cell starts to absorb water from its surrounding.
• This action increases the internal pressure of the cell.
• Cell bursts.

HOCl bursts the cell via osmosis
Hypochlorous acid lowers osmotic pressure of the surrounding cell.
• A cell has a tendency to create an osmotic balance.
• Cell starts to absorb water from its surrounding.
• This action increases the internal pressure of the cell.
• Cell bursts.

Cleanse the wound carefully with VDOX® Wound Care irrigation solution.

you can clean the wound directly with VDOX® Wound Care or apply it into the wound with a soaked compress

VDOX® Wound Care can also be combined with standard wound dressings